Change clothes in front the mirror with me V10

Fitness & Nutrition Tips Just for Men
Know your body type

“We’ve all met the guy who barely works out and looks like a bodybuilder,” says Williams. “We’ve also all met the guy who works out often, but it hardly shows. This usually comes down to how each man’s bodily physique conforms to a certain type.”

The three main body types and their characteristics are:

Ectomorphs – naturally slim and lean, without much body fat or muscle mass
Mesomorphs – moderate-sized body frames, with naturally strong arms and legs
Endomorphs – naturally curvier bodies, with larger bones, wider waists and hips, and a tendency to gain weight easily

Knowing your body type can help you understand what your physique naturally looks like and provide clarity around potential strengths and shortcomings.

“This isn’t to say an ectomorph shouldn’t try to build muscle — he should,” says Williams. “And it’s not to say an endomorph is doomed to be overweight — he’s not. This information should just help you choose your fitness goals and can help you avoid comparing yourself to someone metabolically different than you. Because that’s unfair to you.”

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